The Law Firm Holtzman Vogel filed a pre-litigation letter with the Virginia Department of Elections pointing out Virginia's Voter Rolls are seriously inflated

It is widely reported that many, if not most states, have seriously inflated registration lists, and law suits against those states for noncompliance with HAVA list maintenance requirements are increasingly common. On August 8, 2023, the law firm of Holtzman Vogel filed a pre-litigation letter against Virginia’s Department of Elections for HAVA violations, observing the following:

-- 43 out of 133 Virginia Counties/Cities have more registered voters than voting-eligible citizens

-- 58 other counties have suspiciously high rates of voter registration

Inflated voter rolls allow ballot stuffing by providing the names of illegal or fictitious registrants to be assigned to fraudulent ballots. Also, inflated voter rolls cause the calculation of voter turnout rate to be inaccurate because turnout rates are calculated as votes divided by registrations.

Inflated voter rolls can make reported turnout statistics misleading or meaningless when false registrations are included in the denominator of the turnout calculation. Further, misleading turnout statistics may obscure the impact of election fraud.

It is well established that the Virginia Registration List (VRL) is materially overinflated. Recent estimates suggest that the list likely includes more than 1 million false registrations (excluding inactive registrations). A calculation based on US Census Bureau data suggests that Fairfax County’s share of those false registrations may be greater than 200,000.

What may be underappreciated is that the high number of false registrations materially distorts the reported voter turnout.

Separate reports will soon be available here for Fairfax, Henrico, Hanover and Nelson Counties.

This page includes content and downloads to documents and reports relating to Virginia's inflated voter rolls

The discovery of algorithms which assign voter IDs in voter rolls to both real and phantom voter registrations is discussed in this interview by the discoverer of those algorithms, Andrew Paquette PhD. These algorithms enable election fraudsters to efficiently embed and locate fake and illegal registrations in the voter registration lists.

While working on voter integrity projects after the 2020 Presidential election, Dr. Paquette discovered the existence of algorithms (computer coding) which enabled those with the knowledge of such algorithms to efficiently locate fake and illegal registrations from among millions of records on New York's registration list. Thus, those engaged in ballot stuffing could quickly find the names of phantom voters to attach to manufactured illegal ballots. He found that there are millions of false registrations on NY's rolls.

Paquette notes that the existence of algorithms has been demonstrated in multiple states, and the degree of sophistication suggests nation-state capabilities.

The existence of these algorithms is not theory, but has been proven.

Interview Segment

Full Interview