On this page are links to important videos documenting the serious vulnerabilities in all components of our elections systems and processes

This documentary presents evidence of massive election fraud enabled through absentee ballots and drop boxes.

This widely circulated video documents the election integrity group True the Vote’s (TTV) efforts to expose the massive ballot trafficking operations during the 2020 election, and to quantify the likely outcome-determinative election fraud specifically in five “swing states.” The geo-tracking technology TTV used to track ballot mules is a proven technology and is the same technology used by law enforcement.

The documentary 2000 Mules has been subject to extreme censorship since it was released, including Democrat corporate lawfare which in June of 2024 was successful in compelling the distributor to withdraw distribution. The documentary is extremely damaging to the Left (and to a lesser extent to the Right). The Left has taken great pains to smear True the Vote, particularly by making misrepresentations about the nature of the investigative techniques employed by TTV. These misrepresentations are designed to confuse and mislead the technology-challenged. Search engines, particularly Google, will present pages of links to biased hit pieces to try to negatively influence the unwary.

This documentary presents an integrated picture of the vulnerabilities in every component of our election systems.

“Let My People Go” is a documentary that presents two overlapping narratives of America’s enslavement. The first form of slavery is invisible, and achieved by the deep state’s use of proprietary “black box machines” and rigged election software, where perception is altered, and swamp candidates are selected rather than elected.

The "Shortened" version focuses on the vulnerabilities of electronic election management systems and how they have been abused to facilitate systemic election fraud.

The full version adds context and focuses on the real-life consequences for the hundreds of thousands of Americans that gathered and protested the stolen Nov. 3rd election, many of which are imprisoned today.”

Our electronic elections systems are entirely insecure.

During his full interview, Col. Shawn Smith (ret.) breaks down in detail how U.S. Election equipment vendors, from Dominion and ES&S, to Hart Intercivic, all use computers and components manufactured primarily by the Communist Chinese Party.

Smith covers how our supply chains are in a state of critical failure and addresses issues concerning early voting, mail-in ballots, and the illusion our government provides concerning testing of our voting systems.

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