On this page are links to a sampling of significant public reports documenting the serious vulnerabilities in all components of our elections systems and processes

From the Antrim County Michigan Forensics report:

The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election. 2. We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.


Countdown to Chaos - Silent Federalizing of Elections, 2013

This 500-page highly referenced treatise sets forth from the time of the declaration that "elections are critical infrastructure" by Obama in 2016 to the present provides a comprehensive examination of the building of the elections systems surveillance capabilities of the Federal government which enables them and their public-private networks of mostly left-leaning organizations to monitor and interfere in state and local elections without detection.

Infrastructure is explained in detail, and covers topics such as the "Albert Sensor." The Albert Sensor is an intrusion detection software/hardware system that has its origin in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Einstein program, which does network intrusion detection for federal agencies. It is provided and implemented by the Center for Internet Security for little or no cost, but contractually allows CIS to have full access to the county’s/state’s election systems.

Quotes from the book:

· An understanding of the network cyber structure created by CISA and the DHS creates the concept that the live monitoring of elections in real time, whether it be access to poll pads, voter registration, election office networks, polling locations, or vote tabulation systems, is nothing shy of peeking into the ballot box for those with the technical capability to do so. (p. 217)

· America is at a crossroads as we face the consequences of the actions of the DHS, especially since 2017. This federal takeover of the election system might be the most serious situation the United States of America has faced since the Revolutionary War. Interfering with the right to vote is interfering with freedom itself. When the American election system is governed and managed with a structure that is invisible, accessible in real-time by federal agents of all kinds hidden within national fusion centers, equipped with artificial intelligence and other cyber tools that are able to access and change the election system while it is being utilized, transparency is no longer any part of the system. (p. 373)

The analysis of impossible patterns in CAST VOTE RECORDS in many recent elections is evidence of electronic election database manipulation. From the report:

The Cast Vote Record produced by the various election systems’ software is a tool for auditing any election. It is the digital equivalent of a sequential list of an election’s ballots and their individual selections. Its purpose is to preserve each voting transaction so that the election outcome can be verified. Being in digital format offers the advantage of rapid computerized analysis.

In a fair and legitimate election the analysis of randomized mail-in voting transactions would follow proven and reliable mathematical patterns. In the 2020 General Election the patterns of voting transactions do not. Cast Vote Records from across the United States show mathematically impossible voting patterns, that shockingly demonstrate a predictive and intentionally manufactured similarity. Any fair minded review of the election data can only leave one to conclude that the United States of America was the victim of a coordinated, multi-state, conspiracy to defraud the 2020 General Election.

A Repository of Various Reports can be found at this website. From their home page:

— Advocating: Easy to Vote, Hard to Cheat, and Verifiable Results —

The major components of the election procedure are: 1) voter, 2) machine, and 3) process (e.g., ballot handling). Election Integrity means that ALL the major aspects of the election procedure are done accurately, honestly, and transparently, in a timely fashion.

Our team of authors of 2020 election-related analyses are unpaid volunteers, whose expertise covers a wide range of fields (Cyber Security, IT, Statistics, Physics, Economics, etc.). Our main interest is to contribute our small part in assuring election integrity. Starting in November of 2020, we have generated multiple 2020 election-related studies.